Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sustained dialogue only key to K-solution: Interlocutors

Rameez Bhatt:
Srinagar: Cautioning that the outbreak of violence would thwart the ongoing peace process, New Delhi appointed team of interlocutors on Saturday said that the any political solution to the Kashmir issue has to be found through a sustained and inclusive process of dialogue with all stake holders including the pro-freedom outfits and civil society organizations.

“No single political formation of the administration, of the mainstream or otherwise could claim the exclusive prerogative to speak for the people of the valley, let alone for the people of the state as a whole. This is all the more significant given the diverse political aspiration of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh and of various communities within each of these regions,” Chief Interlocutor, Dileep Padgaonkar told a news conference, here this afternoon.

Padgaonkar, was joined by other two members-, Academician Radha Kumar and former Bureaucrat MM Ansari at the press conference.

"The stake holders therefore need to move away from rigid positions and act in concert o focus tightly on four issues of critical importance for the future. The points, he said were preserving the unity and integrity of the state, state’s special status in the Indian union, seek the most practical and effective ways to respond to the diverse political, economic, social and cultural urges of the people and in particular, the main stream political parties in every region would be required to evolve a consensus with the other regions of the state," he added.
He aso advocated certain measures to change the ground situation and to enable the dialogue process to progress in view of the feedback the team has received from various delegations they met during their visists.

“An end to intimidation and harassment by the police and the security forces, including the indiscriminate use of the PSA. Early release of stone pelters and political prisoners not charged with serious crimes. Speeding trials of jailed militants. Bringing to book those responsible for human rights violations. Re-deployment of security forces and a check on the special powers vested them .A corruption-free transparent and accountable governance. Access to quality education and public health services and jobs for educated youth," he said.

Padgaonkar said that the initial report for the political settlement of Kashmir issue will be presented to the Centre next month.

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